For the best professional and experienced residential painters, get in contact with Tom Murray Painting Contractors today.
Residential Painters
Tom Murray Painting Contractors provides clients with the very best in professional and experienced residential painting services. Our team of highly experienced painters are available for both interior and exterior domestic painting projects. We provide clients all over Munster with the very best in:
Kitchen Painting
Interior Painting
Exterior Painting
Hallway Painting
Bedroom Painting
Living Space Painting
Kitchen Furniture Painting
Kitchen Cabinet Painting
Home Office Painting
Home Gym Painting
As a family-owned company, we go out of our way to minimise disruption to the client’s residential property during the painting project.
Professional Domestic Painting Contractors
We have years of experience in the interior and exterior painting of domestic properties. Our team of fully insured and registered painters have developed a reputation for our professionalism, efficiency and the quality of our completed projects.
Our domestic painting services include the prep of the surface area before the painting begins. This commitment to priming the surface area ensures that the paint finish is long lasting and the colours are as vibrant as possible.